OFD Lieutenant David Spalding spent his spare time building a Barn Owl Box and placing it at Rudy Mine Trails. You can see the box from the yellow trail when out on property. (An image below will show you location with a blue dot.)

Lieutenant Spalding informed the parks department that Barn Owl numbers were declining. He picked Rudy Mine Trails as the location for a Barn Owl Box because it is the perfect habitat for a Barn Owl to live.

Lieutenant Spalding is keeping a close eye on the box and will inform the state biologist if and when a pair nest in the box. The biologist will likely band the owlets legs to track them. Lieutenant Spalding states, ” I have personally never seen a Barn Owl on property, but I have heard calls a couple of times while walking the trials.”


We ask that you enjoy this box from a distance. Please bring binoculars with you to get a close up view and remember to stay on the trail.

For more information on Barn Owls, please click on the link below and enjoy the read.
